True Value - How To Create Success Out Of Nowhere

Word count:4571

hey this is Leo for actualised org and in this video I want to talk about true value okay let's talk about true value so I've been thinking about this issue of value and sometimes I use the word value in my videos and I talk about lower values versus higher values the way that I'm going to be using it in this video is a little bit different so there's a couple of different definitions for what value is although there is overlap eventually so what do I mean by true value I think that a lot of our potential and a lot of opportunity in our own lives is simply squandered because we're not very good at seeing the true value of things or tasks or projects that we can be involving ourselves in how does this actually work how does this practically work well I find this happening in my own life I find this happening in the lives of my clients other people really what's happening is it's very easy to look at a thing and value it in an unrealistic way instead of seeing what's true about it we see the apparent value or the value that society puts on it or the value that our family puts on it or the value that somebody else's belief system puts on it rather than the real value that that thing has to to us to you to me to whoever is doing this evaluation so how does this actually look in real life well give you an example I was coaching a client of mine who's really brilliant sharp guy he's a video game designer and one of the challenges he had is that we were talking and he said well he felt like he wasn't getting enough learning out of the work that he was doing and that the company he was working for he just wasn't able to get enough knowledge there he felt like he wasn't progressing fast enough and so we were looking into that issue and one of the things that came up is that he really felt like he didn't have any tools or avenues to go down to learn more about his craft and that's a serious problem right you got a you got to be always learning to get better so we were looking into that issue and then what came up is that we found out as we were talking that he actually had access to the GDC bolt and the GDC vault is for video game designers and museum developers probably you don't know this not being involved the industry but I was in that industry and what they have is they have a convention called GDC it's the Game Developers Conference and it's held once a year in March in San Francisco and what that means is the best game developers in the entire world all flocked to that one location in a convention hall and basically they have they have speakers giving amazing lectures they have visionaries they've got literally the industry leaders all there they're doing roundtables they're giving lectures they're giving their best tips and techniques all the stuff that they've been working on in the last few years they bring that out they talk about they dissect it they analyze it so this is a really an amazing opportunity for a designer to be in at GDC and you can listen to a lot of these lectures learn a lot of stuff and this goes on for about one week every every month in the month of March every year so the GDC volt what that is is it is all the lectures and all the panel discussions all the roundtables from every GDC over the last like 15 years and that has been all organized as audio files and I don't know if they have video now they probably have video as well so audio and video just all the resources of all those discussions are there now that is a goldmine and I remember when I was a designer I would I didn't have access to the whole vault but I would selectively purchase just individual lectures from from that vault and there's literally thousands of lectures in there and I would just buy one or two lectures and even there I got so much value out of that it gave me so much know-how so much advancement as a designer that I was like wow that's amazing I need to study this more and so there was a lot of value in that right now this uh this client that I was coaching he actually access to this entire vault for free through his company and we're talking about that and it seemed like he was so down on his prospects that he didn't really see the value in what he had there the opportunity and that's a lot of what happens in our own lives is that we don't see the opportunities that are already there sometimes we're so caught up in the way that our life is already flowing that we miss some of these gold mines literally gold mines that we can go and we can dig through and just pull out total gems so you know it took me some it took me some effort to convince him that this is actually something that he should mind some more because he's got this opportunity now he needs to go in there and capitalize on it right and maybe now he will because now what's happened is that literally I saw the value that he was missing and then I pointed him to it and I said look you're missing value here why don't you go and try to capitalize on this value and then in his mind it triggers and it goes like all right there is more value here than there appears to be on the surface and then when he goes in there and evil digs through it he'll actually probably discover that there's even more value than he even thinks there is right now because stuff will just pop up right you can't even anticipate what you're going to get from going through and looking at hundreds or thousands of lectures you can't even anticipate some of the enormous potential that that can have I mean he could pull out one idea from that that will start some new project start a new business venture help him with you know serious challenge at work that he's got and I find that that is so so true and that that this is just one example I mean I find that this is happening in my own life too there's so many things that when I really think about it put my focus on and I really ask myself what's the true value that and I like I see it I get a flash of it because this is consciousness this is awareness they have to bring to the problem you bring awareness to it it's like whoa there's so much value there and yet I'm not capitalizing on it at all and yet I spend the rest of my day complaining about how I should be doing better I could be doing better I don't have enough resources I don't have enough of the know how or the information that I need to move forward when in fact there's so much out there now why is this happening this is happening because of this distinction between apparent value and true value and society has to carry us along and we're unconscious and we get on in the flow of society we go along with it and we just tend to conventionally value things as society values them you know you see for example a nice Ferrari on the street and that Ferrari you might say oh damn like you're let's say you're walking with your friends you see that broad it's like damn like that's something to behold because do you know that that car probably costs what a hundred thousand two hundred thousand three hundred thousand whatever it cost right a couple hundred grams that car cost and you're like wow that's something special there's a reason I'm looking at that Ferrari and I'm not looking at this at this Toyota Camry over here because that has more value right more value but what is the true value that's the apparent value that's kind of the value of society it's the surface level value what is the true value the true value is what that thing can do for you and ultimately how successful it can make you and how fulfilled it can make you so when you're looking at it from that perspective all the sudden that Ferrari might not have as much true value as you think it does in fact maybe this camry has more value because i can guarantee you that the camry is much more practical than a Ferrari in the camera you can probably actually like load up your groceries you can actually have some some space for for your friends to come travel with you on a trip that you want to go on it's a lot cheaper to maintain it takes cheaper fuel it's probably more efficient better for the environment I mean there's a host of really practical great things about a camry which is by the way why cameras are so popular is because they're extremely utilitarian and practical and still nice you know there's much worse cars on a Camry but a Ferrari Ferrari has some nice things going forward as well I'm sure it can get you some attention from the girls and other stuff like that and maybe it can make you look like a hotshot in front of your your business partners but is that really true value for you you got to ask yourself that's status that you get it with a Ferrari is that true value or is that apparent value probably a lot of it as a parent and the true value you're not saying and this goes for everything you got to really start to ask yourself what is the true value of eating more vegetables in your diet what is the true value versus the apparent value there what is the true value of doing meditation the true value not the apparent value what is the true value of waking up on time every morning and never sleeping in what is the true value of having a career that you're really really passionate about rather than just dialing it in and doing a boring nine-to-five job what is the true value of doing personal development committing yourself to doing personal development what is the true value of that book that you have lying on your coffee table just that book that you've always been telling yourself that you should read that awesome book you all you even bought it but now it's just laying there on your coffee table and you're not picking it up what's the value of reading that versus the apparent value what's the true value I find that this is so true especially for example with a book because the book every book actually on the back has a sticker on it and has a value and that value is usually for a paperback book that's what it's usually between $10 to $20 that's about the cost of a paperback book in the u.s. right now yet that's the value that the manufacturer puts on it that's the value that the author puts on it that's the value that the marketplace puts on it but what is the value of that book to you if it's the right book that has the right information that is appropriate for your life right now then the value of that book could be tens of thousands of dollars it could be hundreds of thousands of dollars it could be millions of dollars how can that be well if you read a book for example on starting a business and you've been thinking about starting a business but you haven't yet because you don't really know what to do and you haven't really gotten the courage to get out there and do it but then you read this book and you read someone's story about how they started a business and that inspires you all the sudden that motivates you to go out there and start your own I mean wow what is the what what just happened there there's there's this divergence between you not having a business and now having one and the difference sometimes the difference is a very small tangible thing something that puts you just over the top from one path on to the next and that difference in this case could be a fifteen dollar paperback book that is lying on your coffee table that you have not picked up because you are not seeing that this book has the potential of making that shift for you from the track that you're currently on maybe working some sort of menial job and not getting paid well for it too starting your own business become an entrepreneur growing through that and earning millions of dollars and creating jobs for other people and improving the world I mean wow what a huge difference made by something apparently valueless right fifteen dollars for this book apparently no value I mean I see this personally in myself I've given you examples of some of my clients but with myself I really see this because I have access I'm kind of fortunate and also unfortunate in this way is that I have access to literally all the best books a lot of the best personal development material seminars audio programs video programs lectures I have all this I literally have dozens of books on my bookshelf that I've purchased already and they're just sitting there and I haven't gotten myself to them and honestly if I just tried a little bit harder I would but what's happening is I'm not seeing the apparent value as well I literally have a vault of gold in my house a vault of gold which is knowledge and I have it processed it yet and I sometimes I delay I still read a lot but also I'm not reading as much as I could be and I'm not studying as much stuff as I could be because when I really think about it and I put consciousness to it which I just did before I started shooting this video from kind of my conscious awareness on the fact that wow I have all this amazing information that I could be digging through right now and how much value would that have for me it would be ridiculous because it would be allow me to improve my own life but then it would allow me to share that information with you guys and then influence your lives and so literally this information could be shaping thousands of lives including my own and all my viewers so for me that's like wow ridiculous ridiculous levels of value and yet I take it very complacently right now and the reason is is because I'm hooked on the apparent value and not on the real value so what does it take to see real value well I think conscious awareness you have to start thinking about what is really valuable in your life and what is the value of something I'm sure when you actually sit down and do this either through journaling or just through contemplation throughout your day you're just thinking about stuff you think about it and you ask yourself questions like what is the real value here what is the real value there and you start looking at different aspects of your life you know all the different components that you've got you've got your gym routine you've got what you're eating you've got your business you've got your family life you've got hobbies that you've got you've got the books that you're reading or not reading the TV that you're watching the entertainment that you're doing the way that you're interacting with your friends all those situations you can analyze using this filter of true value and ask yourself is this the most valuable thing that I could be doing with my time is the value that I think is there really there and is the time and energy that I'm putting into this activity is it really justifying the value that I'm getting from it the real value not the fake phony value but the real value and that ultimately means is this activity promoting my well-being is it promoting my health is it promoting my level of fulfillment is it promoting my happiness is it promoting my peace of mind is it promoting my bank account and my finances and my career if it is then that's something that you want to invest more of your time and energy into and if it's not that's something you want to be pulling yourself out of pulling yourself out of this can be tricky because a lot of times you have to go against the flow you have to go against the grain so to speak of mainstream society and popular culture and even the friends that are around you because your friends for example my really hold that is very valuable to have a fancy car and so you kind of get caught up with them and your friends might think that it's really important to have a nice car and so they're trying to one-up each other with buying better cars and showing off and maybe your your coworkers and the people that you're working with they're also interested in that and so it's like a game it's like everyone's playing this game of trying to get a better car and it's like oh who's got the best car this year it's that guy and you kind of buy into that whole thing that's you buying into apparent value because if you really think about that situation you're like wait a minute what is this car really doing for me is it doing what I want it to be doing is it really improving my life or is it just me playing this game with other people like a big chess game and I'm just moving pawns around and nothing's really happening that's cars maybe cars are silly to you maybe that you're saying yourself well cars I would never I would never see any any real value a car I would never get caught up in that but yet there's something else that you're probably caught up on some sort of trap maybe we can call it a value trap something that you're doing that is not really aligned with what you should be doing it's not really making you fulfilled yet you're caught up on it and you think that it's important just because either society tells you that it's important or your friends tell you that it's important or just your past conditioning overall maybe the way you were raised or the beliefs that you created within yourself are telling you that yes this is something that I should be really focused on for example money I mean how hooked are you on money is the money that you want the increase in money is that extra raise extra promotion that you want is that really going to lead you to better health is it really going to lead you to a better career is it really going to lead you to more fulfillment I mean maybe it will but maybe you won't I'm guessing that if you're at at a at a point your life where you have difficulty paying the bills then it probably is important to you but if you're putting your life where you can handle your bills and you've got most the stuff handled and now you're just shooting for that extra promotion you just want more you just want more and you really look into that and you ask yourself why do you want that extra promotion then you might look into it one day and you might say to yourself wow you know I'm working myself mad here trying to get this promotion I'm I'm sacrificing time with the family I'm sacrificing time with my girlfriend or boyfriend I'm sacrificing my own hobbies and other things I should be doing I'm sacrificing my own health and and peace of mind just so I can get this extra $10,000 a year but what is that really going to do for me I mean it's going to be a few extra digits in my bank account but might that time be better spent doing something else something that more directly aligns with what I want my life with my true and deep fulfillment that can be hard to do because you have to really be independent minded I think that's why a lot of successful and really happy people in life they're really successful ones the ones that are living extraordinary lives I think those people by necessity have to be independent minded and that's why I'm very keen on this idea of independence and being independent minded you have to be thinking for yourself because if you're thinking along with everybody else or you have this tendency to just go with the flow what's going to happen is that you are going to go with the flow and you're just going to get carried downstream and the stream that it's going to carry you down it's basically going to carry down into the mud of society because society's values are very much low consciousness values they're not values of success and excellence there are values of mediocrity and comfort and laziness it's very easy to get caught up in that there are also values of shall lowness and values of superficiality so while on the one hand I'm using this money example and it might sound like I'm criticizing money I have nothing against money in fact I think you should make as much money as you can and that more money is better so there's nothing wrong and Heron tea with money just as long as you don't use it and you don't delude yourself into being that hamster in a wheel just chasing something that is ultimately not making you fulfilled so if you have a good reason for having more money great but if you're just chasing more money with that promotion to get more money for some sort of shallow superficial reason just simply because you want to appear more successful in front of your family or just because you want to be the highest-paid person in the office or just because you've been conditioned that you should be making over six figures every year or some sort of shallow silly non-authentic reason then you're never really going to be satisfied in life and this is why you have to start to develop your own independent thinking because you're going to have to start to look into situations very critically from now on analyze the true versus apparent value and then go for the true value right because it's very easy to see it but then have people pressure you into giving up your notions of what the true value is and then going for the apparent value because it's always easy to go for the apparent value it's much harder to go for the true value so the true value might mean that instead of going partying tonight and getting drunk on a Friday night you sit down and you read a book because you see that the book that fifteen dollar book on your coffee table that that has millions of dollars worth of value for you in terms of not just money but also your fulfillment it'll make you fulfilled when you're running your own business right versus going out and partying and drinking with your friends on a Friday night which has maybe some value of blowing off a little steam and having some fun but ultimately you see that that's not really what you want that's not really they make you fulfilled in life doing that maybe once in a while but you don't want to make a lifestyle of it so there you might have this clarity moment where you say you know what tonight I'm not going to go out tonight I'm going to and I'm going to finish this book because I see that there's real value in this book and that other thing is a parent value all right so this is it this what I have to say about true versus a parent value go out there and find the true value and have the courage to pursue it that's so critical to creating an extraordinary life all right I'm signing off go ahead post me your comments down below I'd love to hear what you guys think please like this please share this with your friends post it on Facebook get this message out there so that we can help bring everybody up pursuing their highest values and then of course come check out actualized org and sign up to the newsletter because I've got awesome free videos coming out every week for you guys articles videos other stuff that I have planned down the road so all this information is helping you to create an extraordinary life these are the mindsets that you need this is the wisdom that you need to start seeing what true value is and once you start seeing what that true value is and you have the techniques and the ideas and you actually go out there and start applying some of this stuff Wow the way that your life can be transformed can be pretty unbelievable literally unbelievable the way that you can potentially transform your life because the information I'm sharing with you guys is even though it's just a simple youtube video this one 15 20 minute video can have millions of dollars of value to you if you actually apply it and you see it and I hope you can see the value in this video and I hope that you can trust that there's more where this came from there's a lot more so go sign up for free you also get some nice exclusive bonuses for signing up you get an exclusive 19 part video series to help you bust through some of your top limiting beliefs when it comes to creating an extraordinary life and then you also get to sign up and get a chance to win two hours of free coaching which I give away to one of my subscribers every month you